Heroic magic mirror mill
Heroic magic mirror mill

heroic magic mirror mill

When he brings out his own Queen, consider trading a Knight into it.

heroic magic mirror mill

While she can be used for minion removal, try to move her far to the right (by moving other pieces) as early as you can so she has the best chance of dealing damage to the Black King's face. Whenever possible, have an odd number of minions when he has an even number, or vice-versa, to double-up your damage. Plan your positioning carefully to maximize damage, and remember to move your pieces when necessary to keep them safe. That means you can't simply wait him out with one-for-one trades. He was released by King Leopold and given his freedom, as well as the kings last wish. This is helpful for positioning, but it's also a sign of the biggest struggle in this battle: you have a very limited deck size, and The Black King has more than twice your cards. The Genie began as an unhappy prisoner in the lamp from Agrabah. Unlike Normal, though, your own Hero Power has changed to a repeatable power that moves your units left. The Black King's power is the same between Normal and Heroic, so you'll need to position your Pawns on the left side. They also don't take damage on their own turn when attacking. They always attack the one directly across from each other, and if they're in-between two units they target them both. This is actually a large departure from the usual Hearthstone rules, as all pieces attack automatically and follow unique rules for positioning. Magic Mirror is the second boss in The Parlor, the first wing of the One Night in Karazhan Hearthstone adventure.

heroic magic mirror mill

Like Malchezaar above, The Black King represents a unique battle with a pre-built deck. Recommended Cards: Armorsmith, Whirlwind, Unstable GhoulĬheat: Destroy the left-most enemy minion. That's more reliant on getting the right card draws early, though, so it's less consistent than the Warrior option. If you feel like experimenting, you could also try a Mill Rogue to force him to draw through his deck even faster. We also had some luck with Freeze Mage, since Silverware Golem draws cards so aggressively that he'll take himself into fatigue very quickly. You can get by with a fairly basic Warrior deck, scoring big damage with Frothing Berserker, and Grim Patron, and getting lots of armor value out of Armorsmith. Warrior is probably the easiest option, since it has so many tools to deal with minions, and plenty of its own that feed off of damage to lots of minions at once. As a result, you have a few different ways to deal with him. Silverware Golem is essentially a superpowered zoo deck, with tons of small minions and others that buff them.

Heroic magic mirror mill